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Your voice matters! 

Home care workers can effect real change by making sure we elect leaders who will fight for us and our clients. In 2018, we get to do just that. Our vote is our voice and our power, so we carefully vet candidates in both local and statewide races. Recommendations are made to each local UDW board and our executive board, so that UDW members have a direct say in which candidates will best represent the needs of home care workers, our clients, and our communities.

Are you registered to vote? Register online by October 22, 2018 so that you can vote in the general election on November 6th!

Click here for information on your voting rights. If you have problems at the polls, call 1-877-321-VOTE (8683) to report them.

UDW Endorsements

UDW only endorses candidates that complete our endorsement process, which is open to all candidates regardless of political party. Click here for a printable version you can bring to your polling place.

The following candidates have been endorsed by the UDW Executive Board or the UDW District Executive Boards:


San Diego County

 Orange County

Riverside County

Alpine County 

Madera County

Mariposa County 

Merced County

Mono County 

Stanislaus County

 Tuolumne County 

 Kern County

San Luis Obispo County

Santa Barbara County

Butte County

El Dorado County 

Nevada County (no endorsed candidates at this time)

Placer County

Plumas County (no endorsed candidates at this time)

Sierra County (no endorsed candidates at this time)

Sutter County (no endorsed candidates at this time)

Imperial County

Ballot Initiatives 

In support:


AFSCME California PEOPLE 2018 Congressional Endorsements

“Paid for by United Domestic Workers of America Independent Expenditure PAC.
Not authorized by a candidate or committee controlled by a candidate”