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UDWA News Post

Stop AAPI Hate

Last year as the COVID-19 pandemic intensified, so did something else: hate crimes against Asian Americans, and our elders in particular. Some non-Asian people wrongly blame our Asian community for the pandemic, while others are just plain hateful—but whatever the reason, these attacks must stop. Of the 140,000 IHSS and family child care providers we represent, almost 20% of us identify as AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islanders). This hate and violence not only puts our members at risk, it is antithetical to everything we stand for as a union.

As the elected leaders of UDW, many of us who are AAPI ourselves, we want our AAPI members to know we are here to support you and fight for you. To our AAPI allies who want to help stop anti-Asian hate, the most important thing is to see what is happening and acknowledge that it’s wrong. Listen to us—believe us—when we say we are hurting or scared. Our AAPI members should not suffer in silence. Engage with your union and your fellow UDW members to help break down racial barriers and be there for each other.

We must not let our communities be divided. An attack on a member of the AAPI community is an attack on all of us.

In solidarity,

The UDW Executive Board

To report an anti-Asian hate crime, visit To get help from your union, call 1-800-621-5016.