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Thanks to the hard work of UDW members, our bill AB 1993 was passed by the California State Senate and Assembly and is headed to the Governor’s desk! By extending Unemployment Insurance (UI) eligibility to parent and spouse IHSS providers, this bill would finally end this unfair discrimination against those of us whose clients are our children or spouses.

But it’s not a law yet. AB 1993 must be signed into law by Governor Gavin Newsom.

During his first two years in office, Gov. Newsom has been very supportive of IHSS providers and the important work we do. But this year, the multiple crises happening in the state mean many people will be telling him that “it’s not the right time” to end unemployment discrimination against parent and spouse providers.

Nothing could be farther from the truth…It’s ALWAYS time to end discrimination!

Let the governor know how you feel. Call 1-844-817-6807 and tell Gov. Newsom to sign AB 1993. Caregivers need equality now!

You can also join in our selfie campaign!

Using your cell phone or camera, take a photo of yourself holding home made sign saying that you want Gov. Newsom to sign AB 1993!

Example text could be:

SIGN AB1993!


Then, post your photo to Gov. Newsom’s Facebook page, the UDW Facebook page, or your local UDW group and tag them with #AB1993 #SignAB1993